Logana Keyword collection & Text search

Associative Keyword Collection

Associative Text Search

Using the demo

This demo illustrates Logana's similarity algorithm with two use cases: collecting the keywords from a text and performing similarity-based search in a text.

The text to be processed needs to be entered or pasted to the text area called 'Text to examine' and the results will be shown in a blue text box below that. The actions can be repeated arbitrary times. The fields can be reset by pressing 'Restart' at the bottom of the results box.

For more information on the fields, please click on the labels above them.

Filter value

The filter value represents the similarity that any word has to bear to a stop word for it to be removed from the keyword collection process.

Reduction value

The set of words eligible for keyword collection is reduced by excluding one element of word pairs where the similarity between them is larger than the reduction value.

Search word

A search will be conducted for the search word in the text to examine. For normal search words of the text will be compared to the search word. For subword search, parts of the words will be compared to the search word for a better search experience with compound words.

Similarity value

The similarity value represents the minimum similarity between the search word and a word from the text to examine for it to be included in the results.

Text to examine

Keyword collection and word search is performed on this body of text. The text is kept between operations so several of them can be performed in a row. To reset the values to their defaults and clear the text please press Restart.